who we are
We're Haul Ass Media; the third channel today to tell you that we're the most entertaining group of people working on cars that have no idea what they're doing. The only thing that we can guarantee is that you're not watching us because you want advice on your project because we blew up two cars before we even had ten videos out. You're already here so you might as well check us out, besides, who else can you watch that is this good looking and has t-shirts this high quality?
take the HAM personality quiz
Who Are You Most Like?the squad
(TapClick to learn more)
Doesn't know how to interact with women when not on the internet and has many famous quotes including, but not limited to: "You're so hot; want to see my car?"
Shredded chicken enjoyer, unaware of how to navigate Tinder or DoorDash. Definitely doesn't like crack, but he does like the aesthetic of a crackhead.
Genuinely the only person that knows what they're doing, but still almost died and nearly killed all of us a few too many times.
Pure entertainment personified; doesn't know if he is doing anything, desperately trying to figure out why women's pants don't have pockets.